Here you will find a list of the 50 most common and popular tints and shades of red, including names, HEX and RGB color codes. This is a color resource that may help you find that tint or dark shade. Perhaps to be used individually, or perhaps to combine with other colors to achieve a desired effect or look for your website, logo or interior design project.
Red is the primary color that those who suffer with color blindness can struggle to see. Red signifies many things in the natural world, ranging from health to danger. While red can be striking and attention-grabbing. It can also be difficult to see in light when compared to other colors. This is because it’s at the edge of visible light.
The most popular and well-known variations include dark shades of red, like burgundy and maroon, and attractive and striking red shades, like scarlet and ferrari.
HEX #FF0000
RGB 255 0 0
On the RGB model this is the strongest red, comprising of no other color, 255 Red, 0 Green, 0 Blue.
50 Shades of Red – Names & Color Codes
Light Red
HEX #FB4346
RGB 251 67 70
Dark Red
HEX #D50004
RGB 213 0 4
RGB 234 59 82
Desire red is a medium brightness variation which looks very much like a dark pink.
HEX #FF2500
RGB 255 37 0
Scarlet is a bright variation of red, with a slight orange tint to it. It sits between red and orange on the color wheel. However, it’s more red than orange. Scarlet holds importance in Christianity, being symbolic of sacrifice, and the blood of Christ. It is the color worn by senior clergy members of the Roman Catholic Church. It was also a significant color during the days of the Roman Empire; Emperors often wore scarlet.
Candy Apple
HEX #FF0800
RGB 255 8 0
Candy Apple is a very strong and one of the brightest reds. It represents the red shade of candy-coated apples.
HEX #E12901
RGB 225 41 1
Ferrari red has an orange tint to it, making it one of the brighter and more energetic variations. Ferrari red, also known as racing red, was the color that all Italian race cars were colored. However, Ferrari was the most successful. Each country had its own color associated to its race cars.
HEX #ED2939
RGB 237 41 57
Imperial is a strong red color, with a slight pinkish tinge to it. The Imperial red name was first assigned to the color and used in English in the early 20th century, 1914, according to records. It’s the color that represents the Imperial Standard of Napoleon I.
RGB 219 15 39
Ruby red represents the color of the gemstone; it has a pinkish-purplish undertone to it.
HEX #D31A38
RGB 211 26 56
Raspberry red has a purplish-pinkish tone to it which resembles the color of the fruit.
HEX #C21A09
RGB 164 26 9
Chilli red is, of course, named after chilli peppers. It’s a strong medium shade of red.
RGB 186 17 12
Crimson is generally a darker, or deep shade of red. However, some versions have a blue undertone to it. It’s commonly used in the world of interior design, fashion, and also in businesses and branding. It gets its name from the crimson dye which was created from the kermes insect. This was the way of producing crimson in more primitive times. Today, it can be created by mixing different pigments and synthetic dyes.
HEX #90021F
RGB 144 2 31
Burgundy is a darker shade of red with a slight purple undertone to it.
HEX #800000
RGB 128 0 0
Maroon is one of the most popular shades of red, with a somewhat brownish appearance. See the maroon and burgundy color meanings page for more information on these shades.
Fire Brick
HEX #B22222
RGB 178 34 34
Fire Brick is a darker, and somewhat weaker red shade or variation, resembling the color of bricks.
HEX #B11226
RGB 177 18 38
Wine is a darker elegant shade, resembling a red brownish color.
HEX #730039
RGB 115 0 57
Merlot red is a dark shade of red, with a strong purple tone to it.
HEX #C04000
RGB 192 64 0
Mahogany is considered a red shade, but it has a strong influence of brown. It represents a common shade of mahogany wood.
HEX #990000
RGB 153 0 0
Berry is a strong and dark red shade, resembling the red berry.
HEX #800808
RGB 128 8 8
Blood red of course is meant to represent the dark red color that is blood.
HEX #8B171A
RGB 139 23 26
Jam is a dark shade of red, with a very slight pinkish influence to it.
RGB 142 30 29
Lipstick is a deep and darker variation, it’s a common color of lipstick.
HEX #7A2021
RGB 122 32 33
Garnet is one of the darkest and deepest shades of red. It is named after, and resembles the color of the gemstone.
HEX #8F1923
RGB 143 25 35
Current is a darker red shade variation with a very slight pinkish influence showing through.
HEX #E34234
RGB 227 66 52
Vermilion, made from the mineral cinnabar is bright red with a slight orange tinge. It was often used in pieces of art-work in ancient Rome and China.
Fire Engine
HEX #D0212A
RGB 208 33 42
This shade closely matches the bright red color commonly used with Fire Engines.
HEX #C2404B
RGB 194 64 75
Sanguine is well known in the art world. It was used by many great artists, including Leonardo Da Vinci. It’s also known to be the color of dried blood.
HEX #D4352D
RGB 212 53 45
Flame represents one of the many orange and red colors created and emitted by fire.
HEX #AC1504
RGB 172 21 4
Turkey red is a dark shade of red with a brownish appearance. Created by the root of the rubia plant, first known records show it came from Turkey. it was often used in the 18th and perhaps 19th century as a cotton dye.
HEX #FF3800
RGB 255 56 0
This is a very bright red, with a somewhat orange undertone, representing the color of the common poppy. Coquelicot is the French name given to the poppy.
RGB 208 93 93
Indian is a pale, perhaps dull version of red. The pigment is made from a particular type of oxide, created in India.
RGB 254 95 67
Representing the color of the tomato. It’s a light tint of red with a slight orange tinge.
HEX #E22419
RGB 226 36 25
This represents the bright red color of lava as it cools in temperature.
RGB 255 124 0
Red-Orange is a tertiary color on the RYB color wheel. It’s achieved by mixing red and orange in equal amounts.
RGB 168 31 77
Red-Purple is the other tertiary color that sits next to red on the color wheel.
HEX #D3112E
RGB 211 17 46
Ajax is the kit color of the Ajax team, which is a football/soccer club in Amsterdam.
HEX #AA0000
RGB 170 0 0
49ers red is the team color of the San Francisco American Football team.
HEX #B90223
RGB 185 2 35
Angels red is one of the colors of the Los Angeles baseball team.
Alabama Crimson
HEX #9F1A32
RGB 159 26 50
Alabama Crimson is the red shade of Alabama University, and the Alabama Crimson Tide American football team.
Alizarin Crimson
HEX #E42535
RGB 228 37 53
Alizarin Crimson is the color of the alizarin die pigment. It’s extracted from the rubia plant. It’s a shade of red that has a slight purplish tinge.
Electric Crimson
HEX #FF0241
RGB 255 2 65
HEX #EE0208
RGB 238 2 8
This represents the kit color of Arsenal, which is a London football/soccer team.
Manchester United
HEX #D8281B
RGB 216 40 27
This is the shade of red that the English football/soccer team use for their team kit or uniform.
American Rose
RGB 255 2 61
American rose is considered a red-pink. However, it definitely appears more red.
HEX #7F0B03
RGB 127 11 3
Barn is a dark red shade with a brownish appearance to it.
RGB 166 42 42
Auburn is the dark red brownish shade that represents the hair color.
HEX #C9222B
RGB 201 34 43
This is the shade of red that the image sharing social media platform Pinterest uses for its logo and design.
HEX #E44032
RGB 228 64 50
Cinnabar is the color of the cinnabar mineral. The mineral was once used for various forms of jewelry. However, its usage was stopped after the discovery that the mineral was toxic.
HEX #68010C
RGB 104 1 12
Old Red
HEX #833233
RGB 131 50 51
RGB 254 88 93
HEX #940119
RGB 148 1 25