What is the meaning of the color blue, including symbolism, psychology, influences and associations, and if blue is your favorite color, or if you like to wear blue or drive a blue car, what does it say about your motivations and general personality?
This page also goes into the meaning of blue gemstones and crystals, common uses, interesting facts, business logos and branding, and color blue idioms or phrases.
Color Blue Meaning & Symbolism

The color blue is the most common favorite color, making it the most popular of all the colors. Blue is a popular color with both sexes. However, it’s often associated with masculinity and generally a more popular choice for men.
The color blue is the color of the clear sky and water, which is why it’s often associated with peace and tranquility. Despite this, it’s actually a fairly rare color in nature, see things that are blue in nature.
In many works of fiction, blue is often represented as the color of good, opposing the color red. It’s often used by the emergency services, in hospitals and doctors’ surgeries, perhaps to promote calm and trust.
In western tradition, wearing something blue for weddings represents love, modesty and something pure. Often a blue piece of jewelry is worn. In Christianity, blue is connected to virtue and that which is holy; the virgin Mary is often depicted wearing a blue dress. The color blue is also often associated with feeling down or depressed, “feeling blue”. In Korea and some other Asian and middle eastern countries, dark blue is associated with mourning. The color blue is also seen as a color of good luck in Egypt.
Wearing Blue Meaning or Owning a Blue Car
The color blue is not a flashy or a stand out color, so wearing blue or owning a blue car would normally suggest that someone is not looking for attention. They are probably reserved and introverted in character. Their decision making is inward focused with a serious nature. They care more about their own personal taste rather than the opinions of others. However, this does depend on the shade of blue.
Dark blue suggests seriousness, being conventional and professionalism. Lighter, brighter shades show a stronger interest in appearance and being unique, they value being different.
Personality if Blue is your Favorite Color
Honest, sincere, trusting and trustworthy, you have a strong desire to be trusted by others.
You spend a great deal of time thinking, you think before you act, not naturally spontaneous or impulsive.
You are very serious about any responsibilities that you may have.
You enjoy peaceful moments and spending time by yourself reflecting on the day’s events.
You have great knowledge in areas that interest you, but your knowledge base can be narrow or limited.
You are normally of a good sound mind without much emotion. However, when your emotions do come into play, they can be difficult to control.
You prefer to be in the background, not drawing attention to yourself.
You like things to be tidy and organized, everything in its place.
You are friendly, yet you are at your most comfortable in the company of close friends.
Much time is spent thinking about the past and you are a sentimental person.

Blue Personality Summary: Reserved, confident, conservative, persistent and trustworthy and it’s not looking for attention. Blue likes to do things its own way and it doesn’t conform well to the wishes of others. The color blue is independent, it is more of a leader rather than a follower, likes organization and is professionally minded.
Positive Traits & Influences
Blue is perceived as being a color of peace, safety, and security. It’s a calming and relaxing color which signals that no danger is present.
Blue is often associated with intelligence and wisdom. Studies suggest that blue is linked to clear thinking and concentration.
Blue is a confident yet none aggressive none threatening color. It implies strength and conviction while maintaining a relaxed composure.
It’s persistent and determined in its pursuits. It doesn’t give up and stays until the end.
Negative Traits
Blue can be rigid and finds change difficult. Change is possible, but it can be a slow process.
Because of blues’s lack of fondness for change, it can be predictable, conventional and stuck in its ways.
Coldness, a lack of emotion and unfriendliness are also keywords associated with the color blue.
Business & Branding
With it being the world’s most popular color, there will obviously be a great many businesses using blue in their designs, logos and general branding. Businesses will likely choose blue due to the many positive meanings, wishing to project trust and reliability.
- hp
- Intel
- Disney
- Gillette
- Ryanair
- Skype
- Ford
- Boeing
- PayPal
Meaning of Blue Gemstones

Blue gemstones or crystals include the sapphire, which is the most well-known and popular, also azurite, aquamarine, blue topaz, opal, tanzanite and sodalite, to name a few more. Blue gemstones have connections to the throat chakra, which relates to speech and general communication.
The sapphire stone is considered the gem of wisdom, enhancing creativity, concentration and the ability to think clearly without distraction.
Common Uses
- Jeans are, of course, most commonly blue.
- Emergency service uniforms and emergency lights are often the color blue.
- Navy uniforms are commonly dark blue.
Interesting Facts
Blue is a primary color on the additive (Light) RGB, and subtractive (Paint) RYB color models. However, it’s a secondary color on the CMY model. What colors make blue?
Blue has a short wavelength of around 440 – 460 on the visible spectrum.
Many songs have been made with the color blue in the title.
Most things in nature that appear blue are not actually blue, it’s due to a phenomenon called light scattering.
Engagement rings are often made out of the blue sapphire stone.
In the west it is the most common color to be worn, jeans are a large part of that.
Phrases or Expressions
Once in a blue moon: It means to rarely do something, every now and then.
Shout blue murder: To voice loudly something someone disapproves of.
Go off into the blue: To go into the unknown, relates to uncertainty.
Out of the blue: It came as a surprise; it was a shock, out of no where.
Feeling blue: To feel down or depressed.
Monday blues: Referring to the start of the work week after the weekend, and feeling down or low energy because of it.
Blue in the face: Referring to someone repeating something without the desired outcome.
Blue chip stocks: A phrase used with regards to stocks that are considered low risk. Meaning they are generally reliable.
Shades of Blue

More shades of blue with HEX and RGB color codes.
Light Blue – Linked to healing, creativity, freedom, tranquility, and calmness.
Dark Blue – Associated with seriousness, authoritative, powerful, responsible, traditional, emotional suppression, and being controlled.
Color Blue Quotes
I’m addicted to cobalt blue. I’ve been feeling this way for about a month now. I like going online to gaze at sapphire stones and blue diamonds. In general, my favorite color is a light pink and has been since I was little. I wonder what this sudden interest in dark blue is all about. I’m in discernment about my life. I wonder if that has something to do with it.
Cobalt blue is a powerful and beautiful color. I should have a page dedicated to it in the near future.
Cobalt blue is my favorite color as well! It is very powerful and I love wearing it and having this beautiful color in my home.
I now have a Cobalt Blue page in the works, It will be up soon, within a week of this comment. Thanks for visiting.
Another vote for cobalt blue, which led me to this page.
Very true this sums me up nicely.
Yup I’m a blue
Navy Blue definitely my color..
This is totally me???
I’m definitely a blue person. Most all shades of blue, but my favorites are navy, cobalt, and cyan. I recently stumbled across a color called turcyan which looks like a combination of turquoise and cyan. Colors of the waters of the Caribbean and Mediterranean – I never tire of these colors.
I am a big fan of lighter rich shades of blue myself, especially cyan when combined with darker colors. Thanks for the comment.
I’ve been reading several of these evaluations of color preference in an individual’s psychology and it’s pretty striking how accurate most of it is. My favorite color is a dark blue and almost everything besides organized applies to me. When I was a child, my favorite color was red and those attributes were very strong in me as well when I was very young. I would venture that many people have different favorite colors at one time or another in their development and perhaps that , along with other valuations (which colors they like from most to least, what things they associate with certain colors, etc.), could shed more light on individual personalities. For example: My favorite color was red when I was a child up until sometime around 4th or 5th grade, and it’s been different variations of blue for the most part since then, The blue personality is almost entirely accurate, but I still have some traits from red: passionate (though mostly in just a few areas, which might be part of the blue personalities’ interest in a narrow band of things), I fall into the trap of instant gratification (though I am almost the complete opposite of implusive), competitive in large part, and I like to be the center of attention (but only around close friends). I may be reading to much into color psychology;I am not a psychologist myself (though I have some rudimentary knowledge of different areas of it, a general interest in it), so I may be reading to much into it, but I thought my own experience with having different favorite colors at different times and how that relates to my personality to be interesting and I thought I would share.
People tend to have dominant traits and secondary traits, sometimes those secondary traits will show themselves more depending on circumstances, and also they do alter somewhat with age.
There is a strong connection between color and personality traits, so yeah often favorite colors do change, and for some people their personalities maybe more of a combination of two or more colors, or perhaps a different shade.
Great comment, thanks for sharing.
Omg. This me all day…Taurus…dark blue! This guy got it right☺
Royal blue lover
Nail on the head, cerulean, azure, electric
I have been a fan of blue, lover of it for the past 7 years I developed likeness for this color and am happy to see the meaning and personality
Blue is the worlds most popular color. Thanks for visiting.
Blue’s a nice colour such as midnight, navy, sapphire, teal, sky, Prussian, turquoise, cyan, cobalt, and steel.
In general, this article presents a wonderful representation of my favorite color. It’s inspiring, really. However, I take exception to “traditional” being listed as “negative”. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being traditional! It’s more of a neutral quality, actually.
The reason why being traditional can be seen as a negative to some is because traditions can restrict and limit growth and change. So, it depends on the person’s personality. I think some traditions can be good. Perhaps a balance between tradition and forward movement is the best way. Thanks for your comment.
If it says under the “Symbolizes” category for the colour Pink “Feminine”, then why do I not read under “Symbolizes” for the colour Blue “Masculine”? 🤔
Of course I already know the saying goes for the Western Culture, “Pink is for girls and Blue is for boys”.