This page includes a list of color names, Hex and RGB codes for 50 of the most common and popular tints, and dark shades of blue. You should be able to find the type or shade of blue that you’re looking for in the resource below, for whatever project or design task that you’re undertaking.

Shades of Blue Names & HEX Codes.

Universally, blue is the most popular favorite color, and it has a large variation of shades. It’s a color that we often see when we look at the ocean, and when we look up at the sky. However, in the animal kingdom it’s a very rare color.

Popular shades of blue include, Navy, Royal, Cobalt, and my personal favorites are Azure, Cyan and Sapphire.


HEX #0000FF

RGB 0 0 255

This is true blue, or its purist version on the RGB color model. 0 Red, 0 Green and 255 Blue.

50 Shades of Blue – Names & Color Codes

Light Blue


RGB 82 189 255

Dark Blue

HEX #0901A9

RGB 9 1 169


HEX #000080

RGB 0 0 128

Navy is a very popular and well known dark blue shade, commonly used for Navy uniforms.


HEX #101D6B

RGB 16 29 107

Royal blue is a well known dark blue shade. However, it does have a few different variations. See the link for more on Royal and Navy blue.

Royal (Web)

HEX #4168E0

RGB 65 104 224


HEX #1035AC

RGB 16 53 172

This pigment was synthetically created by the ancient Egyptians. It may well have been the first synthetic pigment ever created. Its creation and first use can be dated back to 2500BC, around the Fourth Dynasty, and was commonly used during the days of the Roman Empire. This spans at least a few thousand years.  



RGB 13 82 189

Sapphire is the strong blue color of the gemstone. It has a slight violet tinge.


HEX #0080FF

RGB 0 128 255

Azure is a bright tint of blue, sitting between blue and cyan on the RGB color wheel. The word Azure has French origins, and the color comes from the lapis lazuli mineral.


HEX #2A53C3

RGB 42 83 195

Cerulean is considered a darker blue shade of the sky. The name was first used in relation to the color in the late 16th century.


HEX #008081

RGB 0 128 129

Teal color is created by mixing cyan blue with green. This is a popular shade that has had many uses.


HEX #4683B7

RGB 70 131 183

Steel is a light and somewhat pale tint. It represents the color that is formed from the result of the bluing of steel, which is done in-order to prevent rusting.



RGB 149 202 219

Sky represents the light blue color of the midday sky.



RGB 63 224 208

Turquoise is the color of the gemstone, and is the result of a mixture of light blue and green.



RGB 1 255 255

Cyan is a very bright blue with a fluorescent appearance. It’s a primary color on the CMY model, and a secondary color on the RGB model. See the Turquoise and Cyan page for more on these colors.



RGB 135 205 238

Baby is a fresh, light, and innocent looking tint of blue. It’s one of the most popular pastel colors.



RGB 121 246 252

Electric is a strong tint with some green in the mix. It’s one of the brightest blue variations. It can represent the bright blue color of electricity, while the color of electricity can change depending on certain conditions; this is believed to be a common representation.



RGB 0 142 204

Olympic is an attractive bright blue with a green tinge.



RGB 115 194 251

Maya is a bright blue, similar to the color of a clear blue sky, like Azure, but slightly more pale. It comes from the Maya pigment, which can be found in paintings in India. Records show it was used from the time span of the 800s to the 1800s. The more recent paintings were discovered in South America.


HEX #003152

RGB 0 49 82

Prussian blue is a dark shade of blue, also known as Berlin blue. The pigment of Prussian blue consists of cyanide and iron.

Air Force


RGB 88 139 174

Air Force blue is a medium strength tint variation of Azure. It’s commonly considered one of the colors of the sky, and used in the US Air Force.


HEX #0147AB

RGB 1 71 171

Cobalt color is attractive, and one of the more popular shades of blue.



RGB 68 107 173                        

Turkish blue is used in the Sultan Ahmed Mosque, which can be found in Istanbul Turkey. It’s a medium light tint, and it has a strong influence of green.


HEX #0E4D92

RGB 14 77 146

Yale blue is associated with Yale University, and is a medium brightness blue shade.


HEX #5C516D

RGB 92 81 109

Independence blue is a relativity dark or dull shade of blue. It has a violet and slight greenish tone.

Blue flower color palette.


HEX #7285A5

RGB 114 133 165

Pigeon is a medium slightly pale tint, it includes a high amount of red, giving it a violet tinge. It’s a common paint color, it’s part of what is known as the RAL Classic Color Chart, and it comes in three different variations.


HEX #1D2951

RGB 29 41 81

Space is one of the darkest shades of blue. It has a slight purple influence, and represents how space can sometimes appear.



RGB 176 223 229

Powder is a very light tint of blue, it has a very innocent and clean looking appearance.


HEX #57A0D3

RGB 87 160 211

Carolina is a sky like tint of blue, it has connections to the North Carolina University.


HEX #81D8D0

RGB 129 216 208

Somewhere around the mid 19th century, Charles Lewis Tiffany decided on a color that would be used for his stores’ branding and design, which became Tiffany blue. It’s a medium light blue color with strong inclusions of green. It could be described as a lighter version of teal.


HEX #79B7E6

RGB 121 183 230

Aero is a very tranquil tint, very similar to the color that is often used in hospitals.



RGB 0 255 255

Aqua is very similar to Cyan, just an ever so slight variation.



RGB 2 61 172

Boeing is one of the more darker shades of blue, it’s a common shade used by Boeing for its logo.

General Motors

HEX #06387F

RGB 6 56 127

This medium blue shade is the main color on the General Motors logo.



RGB 107 179 238

This is the light blue that makes up part of the Argentinean national flag.



RGB 28 142 254

This is the attractive blue shade of the uniform for the Los Angeles Dodgers, which is an American baseball team.

Dallas Cowboys

HEX #041F43

RGB 4 31 67

This is the dark shade of blue on the Dallas Cowboys logo, and is also found on parts of the uniform.


HEX #0F3486

RGB 15 52 134

Cubs blue is the blue shade that represents the Chicago Cubs, which is an American baseball team.


HEX #01349B

RGB 1 52 155

This is the strong shade of blue that’s the club and kit color of Everton, which is an English football/soccer club.


HEX #044591

RGB 4 69 145

Chelsea blue is the club shade of the London England football/soccer team, Chelsea.


HEX #1776F1

RGB 23 118 241

This relatively light tint of blue is what the social media giant Facebook uses for its branding.


HEX #0172C6

RGB 1 114 198

This is a medium shade of blue that the technology company Intel uses for its branding and business logo.

Blue De France

HEX #318BE5

RGB 49 139 229

This light tint of blue, in a traditional sense, has been used to represent the country of France.


HEX #2074FC

RGB 32 116 252

This represents the attractive color of Crayola’s blue crayon. The shade is considered cyan-blue.



RGB 162 194 174

Cambridge blue is the official color of Cambridge University. It’s used in the uniforms of the various sports teams connected with the university.



RGB 20 94 187

Denim is a medium blue shade that represents the common color of blue denim jeans.



RGB 176 253 253

Celeste could be described as a light turquoise. It was used by a bicycle company in Italy, where it was known as Bianchi Green.


HEX #6596EE

RGB 101 150 238

Cornflower blue is a medium to light tint. Johannes Vermeer, who was a painter from the Netherlands, was believed to be very fond of this color.


HEX #18186D

RGB 24 24 109

Midnight is considered one of the darkest shades of blue. It’s sometimes referred to as a blueish-black.



RGB 27 170 202


HEX #015F84

RGB 1 95 132

Sea and sky blue color palette.