This article is a general look into how color actually affects us in our everyday lives, listing several studies and experiments into color psychology.
Color can perhaps influence us in a variety of ways, including influencing our emotions/feelings and energy levels. Colors can stimulate, suppress, excite, calm and generally influence certain things about the way we think. You have probably had the experience of walking into a room and not feeling very comfortable. Perhaps it was the layout of the room, perhaps it was the furniture, or it could even be the color scheme of that particular room.
Experiments in Color Psychology
There have been experiments where participants were given different colored pills. The pills were empty with no medication inside them. The participants that were given the blue and similar cool colored pills had a relaxing and calming influence on them. The other participants that were given red and other brightly colored pills developed increased energy levels, and they were acting like they were taking a stimulant of some kind, yet the pills had no medicine or drugs inside them. Their moods and energy levels were influenced by the color of the pills. This is an example of a placebo effect, which was triggered by different colors.

Some cities have experimented with installing blue street lighting. The statistics in these cities show that crime and disorderly behavior reduced after the lighting was installed. This is believed to be because of the calming and relaxing influence that blue has on the mind.
Other studies have also been done on how color can affect our appetites. Blue is believed to suppress appetites, while red, orange and other warm colors can increase appetites. The color pink is also believed to calm and reduce aggression, particularly light or pale pink. Pink is also known to make us crave sweets/candy, due to common associations.
You will often find brighter colors in restaurants and other food outlets to encourage your appetites. Darker colors like blue and green promote peace, calmness and relaxation. You will often find these cool colors in hospitals, doctors’ surgeries and health spas.
Colors for Interior Design
Most people decorate their homes with relaxing and neutral colors, usually pale colors such as beige, which is pale brown and yellow. Brown and taupe are often used as they’re warm and relaxing colors. Some people like the cleanliness and neutrality of white. Light blue is also used in interior design for its tranquil and neutral influences.
Brighter, stronger colors can be used in the home or the workplace as a secondary color to increase energy levels, and also to increase positive emotions and communication. Black is a good color for office equipment, as it promotes and encourages professionalism and organization. Combining colors would be a good idea to get the desired effect.
More study and experiments are being done in color psychology, and more and more businesses and companies are considering their color choices for logos and offices with much more thought behind them.
It’s important to keep in mind that not everybody is affected by the influences of color. For some people, color is very important, and they may have a particular sensitivity to different colors. On the other hand, some people couldn’t care less, and color may have little to no influence on them.