What is the meaning of the different natural and unnatural (dyed) hair colors? Many women dye their hair a multitude of different colors, including, red, blue, green, purple and even pink.

Different hair color meanings.

Natural Hair Color Meanings

Does your natural hair color say anything about your personality? There are certain stereotypes about blonds (Bimbo) or red heads (Fiery).

Natural Hair Color Associations

Natural hair color meaning.

Blond – Attractive, Feminine, Naive, Youthful, High Maintenance, Fun.

Red – Aggressive, Passionate, Impulsive, Opinionated, Promiscuous.

Brown/Brunette – Conscientious/Hard Working, Practical, Dependable, Reliable.

Black – Depth, Exotic, Introspective, Spiritual.

These are stereotypical meanings which in part developed from common color associations. Some of these associations are often reinforced by movies, TV and the media in general.

General Dyed Hair Color Meanings

There is little evidence to suggest any connection between natural hair color and personality, it’s largely just stereotypical connections. However, when you bring personal choice into the equation, things get more interesting. Personal choice often reveals preferences, therefore personality traits.

This is a general explanation of why women and even sometimes men dye their hair unconventional colors. For example, Red, Blue, Green, Purple and Pink, are the most common colors.

Dying hair with unconventional colors, to no surprise, implies unconventional thinking, and a desire to be unique. They also have an impulse to outwardly express themselves, including their desire for creativity. Those with creative desires tend to be open-minded people, open to new experiences and often seeking variety in life.

They’re unlikely to be looking for attention, simply wishing to express their instinctual impulses. There is also a good chance that these people have tattoos for similar reasons.

These people are likely to have a highly intuitive personality. They dislike authority, rules and common conventions. They probably have a somewhat rebellious temperament, likely introverted and passively aggressive, likely to be indirect when dealing with confrontation.

Highly intuitive personalities tend to be idealistic in their thinking, either very compassionate or logical, depending on the dominance of other personality traits. This intuitiveness often leads to not always very practical thinking and ideas.

Meaning of Individual Colors

Add the above general description to the following individual colors.

Red Hair Meaning

Red hair color meaning.

Red has strong connections to physical energy, aggression and passion, which may suggest these are traits that they have. Red is also a very attention-grabbing color, which could mean they have more extroverted, social and attention-seeking desires. It could also suggest a potentially impulsive and competitive personality.

Blue Hair Meaning

Blue is calming, collected, confident and is a color associated with trustworthiness. Someone who dyes their hair blue is likely to have these traits, or aspires to have them. These people tend to think before acting; logical and rational thinkers. They are not as in touch with their emotions and they can come across as somewhat cold or aloof in temperament.

Pink Hair Meaning

Pink has strong associations with feelings, empathy, nurturing, femininity and generally an anti-aggressive color. Those who dye their hair pink are likely to be very in touch with their feelings, they’re emotionally expressive and hate confrontation.

Green Hair Meaning

The color Green has connections to nature, life, healing and growth. Those who gravitate towards green tend to have a love for nature, wildlife, growth and healing, both physically and mentally. These people are searching for balance in their lives.

Purple Hair Meaning

Purple hair color meaning.

Purple is the color of intuition, creativity, mystery, magic and it also has associations with wealth, royalty and spirituality. These people are likely to be highly intuitive with idealistic thinking with a fascination with the spiritual and the unknown. They look for answers beyond the physical world and the conventional.

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